This intimate group mentorship program is designed for teachers and healers. Through our work together, we activate your feminine power so you can spark your own joy and deepen your impact on the people you serve. Learn how to help and give from a place of personal abundance and vitality.


This private group mentorship space is designed for women in sacred leadership roles like you, who wish to keep cultivating their life force, inner wisdom & loving presence so that they can infuse their unique magic into their business, creative projects & life while feeling powerfully connected to the infinite flow of the divine. 

I believe true healing comes from the integration of body, mind, heart & soul. I believe every person is unique & special. Every person is the whole universe in itself, and I love to get to know this universe in an intimate way. This is why I love working 1-1 to create a bespoke transformational program where I will tap into your unique flow, needs and desires to help you ground in your sovereign divine self, to unearth your limiting beliefs & transform them into golden treasures of personal power & loving awareness.  

Experience a bespoke holistic transformational journey with me to guide you in the embodiment of your True Self.


Ontogonic Body-Mind Therapy is a process of deep discovery, acceptance, and transformation of neurotic imprints and karmic patterns from this and other lifetimes. It is a comprehensive therapeutic approach that integrates Western and Eastern psychology and multi-faith spiritual traditions like Shaivism Tantra, Dzogchen, Shamanism, Kabbalah, Vajrayana Buddhism & Taoism. 

Part of what distinguishes Ontogonic Body-Mind Therapy is its recognition that liberation is impossible as long as we are caught in the solid reality patterns of our karma. Our body type or “characterology” represents some of that karma; and one of the most difficult aspects of breaking the physical and energetic characterology is that we have learned to accept and identify so completely with it. There comes a time when it must be transcended. Carlos Castaneda called this characterological breakthrough “breaking human form”… a term suggesting that we are cosmic beings.

Deep healing is required for most of us to reclaim and integrate a vision that allows us to create the new reality: a reality no longer governed by neurosis and karma, but by Love, Freedom, Grace and Enjoyment. 

This group mentorship is a transformational experience designed to help women ignite their divine feminine power and activate their vitality from the inside out.

As a trained Medical Doctor who has studied holistic healing technologies and multifaith spiritual traditions, I blend ancient traditions, plant medicines, and healing rituals with modern modalities and western science to help women heal and achieve personal freedom. 

Even learned healers struggle with energy imbalances and obstacles that prevent them from living impactful, abundant lives. By offering a higher level of mentorship and practices tailored for feminine leaders, they learn how to activate and embody their essence on a deeper level.

By helping healers balance their masculine energy and return to their innate feminine power, I ignite a torch in each of them that they can light others. We do our best work and make the greatest impact when our power comes from an overflowing cup. My mission is to spread freedom, joy, and light to the world through the conduit of my enlightened clients. 

This work is rooted in death and rebirth, in internal and external creation, and in surrendering and accessing greater liberation. My clients learn how to grow energy, clarity, and awareness, which are the pillars to true transformation. They learn to activate and embody feminine energy in a space of safety, connection, vulnerability, and power.

They ascend and journey through a process that acts like a spiral, circular and rising as they lean more into the personal exploration, learning, magic, and transformation we work with.


Grow awareness of your inner experience and obstacles, learn how to release & surrender, reconnect with your inner purpose & courage, awaken your sensuality & sexuality, and reignite your joy & love for life.

01 | Intimate Group

Only eight magical women will be granted access to this transformational container. I love intimacy and by facilitating a small group I believe we can create potent shifts & healing.

02 | Bi Monthly Group Calls

We’ll connect for an intimate group call every other Thursday to dive into your mind, body, and spirit to cultivate greater healing, awareness, and life force.

03 | Open Access

You will receive a private messaging channel for the duration of our container, allowing you to connect with me for support between calls.

04 | Custom Path

You will receive four one on one sessions with Irene where you will be guided into specific practices, modalities, and tools based on your current state and desired future.

05 | Bonuses

All private mentorship clients will automatically receive access to the Radiance Membership & Telegram space for additional healing and integration. Clients will also receive an exclusive discount on in-person events, retreats, and pilgrimages.

Your Investment


Or three payments of


Ready to dive in?



“Irene is an incredibly gifted and natural healer and an absolutely beautiful human being!

Irene has helped me immensely onto the path of emotional and physical well-being. Her intuition, open-mindedness and comprehensive knowledge of the human body makes her work incredibly healing and nourishing.”

- Emilie A.


“When you work with Irene, you are lucky enough to rely both on Western Science and Eastern Wisdom.

Irene is a Medical Doctor in Mexico, and a TCM doctor here in Canada, where she has gathered extensive knowledge in the field of acupuncture. She offers a space of deep listening, kindness and care that are rare to find.  She is a compassionate, knowledgeable healing practitioner and I could not recommend her enough

- Hiroko D.


  • Group calls will take place every other Thursdays 11:00am-1:00pm pacific time.


    Opening Ceremony - Oct 3rd

    Oct 17th, Oct 31st, Nov 14th, Nov 28th, Dec 12th, Dec 19th, Jan 9th

    Closing Ceremony - Jan 23rd

  • You will receive a link via my online booking system to book your 1-1 sessions with me.

    You will also receive a link to our bi monthly group calls happening every other Thursday via zoom from 11am to 1pm.

  • I love working with the time of the seasons. 3 months represents a full season where you will go through a transformational journey. In my experience, to fully embody a true transformation, your body, energy, and psyche need time for the new self to be crystallized and 3 months is the minimum time for this process. I want to give you more space in between modules for you to integrate everything you have received and in this way really embody your transformational journey.

  • The foundation of Ontogonic Body Mind Reconnection Therapy is that all our personal experiences from this lifetime & other lifetimes live inside our body. The body is our vehicle for liberation.

    Through an Ontogonic process we dive deep into the wisdom of the body wisdom reconnecting it with the wisdom of the mind in all its dimensions, from the conscious to the unconscious.

    Through this process we are able to liberate conditionings that we have within ourselves that are not allowing us to live our full expression.

    Healing our sexuality is paramount in this process, because our sexual energy is our most powerful energy in our bodies, once we liberate our sexual power we can tap into our magnetic selves and step into our leadership roles to serve humanity.

  • We will have 4 weeks to go through each module. We will allocate 2 classes for each module.

    Each class will begin with a 45min teaching specific for the week's module. After that I will allocate 75min for different offerings that will guide you through a group process.

    During these sessions you will be able to receive a direct guidance, and receive the power of the group, we are in this circle because of resonance, and you will receive the perfect medicine & support you need through the process of your sisters as well.

    I use different modalities of healing like hypnosis, active imagination, bio energetic practices, shadow work, archetypes, shamanic rituals, nutrition & lifestyle recommendations.

    Each week you will receive practices to implement at home.

  • You will have FOUR 1-1 sessions with Irene during the container, as well you will have direct access to her via telegram to receive support during your 16 wk journey.

  • Membership is a space to grow in a community at your own time & rythm.

    The mentorship allows you to go deeper. This 16 wk growth group will create exponential healing & growth through your dedication & devotion to the process of transformation.

    The mentorship is designed for women in leadership roles that are committed to resourcing their vessels to be able to show up in full abundance to their own clients & community.

  • You can cancel your mentorship plan by letting me know by email.

    Upon cancellation, you will lose access to premium features and benefits associated with the mentorship.

    No refunds will be provided for any remaining subscription period after the cancellation date.

    If you are on a payment plan, you can cancel & no further charges will be made.

    You are responsible for canceling your mentorship plan before the renewal date to avoid being charged for the next billing cycle.

    Members must adhere to the terms and conditions outlined in the site's user agreement.

    Canceling a mentorship does not exempt clients from any outstanding dues or obligations accrued before the cancellation or pause date.

    Irene Sanchez-Celis reserves the right to modify or update this policy at any time. Changes will be communicated to clients through email or by posting the revised policy on the website.



If you feel called to work more deeply with Irene’s guidance, please book a discovery call to see if we are a good fit for what you need in this moment in life.