Ep. 11 Closings as important as beginnings.



Do you believe closings are as important as beginnings? I do, deeply. Here is why. Hello, my name is Irene, and welcome to Radiance, the podcast dedicated to the illumination and liberation of the feminine. It is inspired by my personal stories and adventures and infused with all the knowledge and wisdom I have acquired over the past 20 years as a healthcare and spiritual practitioner. So I welcome you to this space.

Today, I want to talk about the importance of honoring cycles. Why is it important to honor closings as we honor beginnings? I feel we live in a culture that focuses heavily on beginnings, on igniting and starting something new. Think about when you're in a relationship—the beginning is always exciting, fun, and sweet. There's a lot of hope and excitement. But when that relationship ends, especially when there's heartbreak and pain, we often don't want to see it. We don't want to look at it. Many of us just put it away and focus on something new, like a new boyfriend or a new relationship, thinking it will make the pain go away. But actually, being present in the release and the end of a cycle is part of the process. It allows us to create space for the new to come.

Honoring cycles is very much an energy management practice. If we don't bring awareness and close cycles consciously, there's an energy leak that will follow us. In our culture, there's a lot of focus on starting something new, changing jobs, moving houses, and making life changes. We tend to get impatient and keep moving forward without taking the time to stop and reflect on what has been created. It's not just about preventing an energy leak; it's also about closing cycles to look back at the whole journey—all the joy, tears, laughter, pain, heartbreak, and breakthroughs. By doing this, we can extract the lessons and take stock of what is working and what is not.

The only constant in life is change, and we are in a constant process of transformation. This is happening all the time, whether we are aware of it or not. My devotion and intention in life is to always try to partner with the mystery and to participate as much as I can with the energetics of life.

These past three months have been a spring season for me and it has been a  huge catalyst for my business. Since mid-March, I decided to close my brick-and-mortar practice of 14 years and upgrade my identity as a gypsy witch doctor. This has been a significant process of changing my identity. In the spiritual path, we practice not identifying with anything, realizing we are everything and nothing. But in the dual, mundane world, we still play roles. The fun part comes when we can consciously choose to wear different hats. Now, I'm leaving behind the hat of the healer and acupuncturist and putting on the hat of the gypsy witch doctor, creating a business that supports my vision of leading a movement for the illumination and liberation of the feminine, while supporting my lifestyle as a traveler.

This transition has been a beautiful journey of transformation. During this spring season, I have been spreading my wings and flying. Now, I'm taking the time to reflect on all the experiences, taking stock of everything that has been created and what I no longer need or want. Honoring this process is crucial because we are like nature. We are made of the same elements as the earth, the universe, and the stars. We are interdependent and constantly flowing with the seasons of nature, consciously or unconsciously.

We have our inner seasons, just like nature. Right now, I am in full summer, peaking, and I want to celebrate by sharing the medicine I have been creating. One of my offerings is an online community called Radiance, with almost 30 women. My vision is to have 100 women in this space by the end of 2024. This community is devoted to the illumination and liberation of the feminine, providing guidance and holistic tools for transformation. It's a space where women can come as they are, relax, and be supported by me and the other women in the community.

During this season, I also opened five spots for one-on-one mentorship in a three-month transformational container, which is now fully booked. I am so grateful for the women who are hearing the call and saying yes to themselves, to my offerings, and to their path of self-realization. Additionally, I have created an amazing team that supports my business. This is one of the lessons I received last year: for the feminine to be in her creative self, she needs safety. In business, this safety is structure, systems, and having a team to delegate to, creating more space for creative flow and tapping into one's genius zone. Bringing women into my business and creating a team has been a huge factor in my growth and quantum leap.

We are entering the Age of Aquarius, a time of groups and coming together with like-minded people to create heaven on earth. We all have unique gifts and talents to bring to the table, and together we create beautiful constellations. I have also connected with powerful business mentors, Julietta and Robin, who have helped me to quantum leap into this new reality. I am grateful to have mentors to reach out to and learn from.

In my personal growth, I attended a Triple Goddess combo retreat, creating deep bonds of sacred sisterhood with the women there. I also traveled to France and connected with the cave of Mary Magdalene, an incredible experience that I plan to share in a separate podcast. I intend to take a group of women on a spiritual pilgrimage to this power place in June 2025. Join my newsletter for more information about this journey.

Lastly, I spent four wonderful days in Mexico with my nephew and family. This year, the year of the Dragon, has been filled with experimentation, spring energy, and igniting new things. One of the ways I love to integrate journeys is through a shamanic practice called recapitulation, a technique from Carlos Castaneda's books. This practice helps to extract the power from past experiences and release lingering negative energies.

After doing this practice today, I received a symbol of integration: a moon staff. The staff represents the fire element, and the moon represents the water element. This symbol signifies the integration and balance of fire and water, with my fire element supporting my feminine. I feel strong, supported, and purposeful.

I invite you to join this movement. By sharing my journey, I honor the closing of this past season and celebrate the medicine I have created. The recapitulation practice is available inside Radiance, the community, where I facilitate a ceremony that you can access now. Come join this beautiful community, receive the resources to replenish yourself, and let your feminine radiate with authentic power and beauty.

I would love to hear your comments. Please turn on notifications to receive updates on new podcasts, share this with your friends, and send me your thoughts. Thank you for being here. Sending you lots of love. Chao for now.


Ep 12. Year of the Yin Wood Snake


Ep.10 Shame clearing with Kambo.